Class XmlParameter

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public class XmlParameter extends Object implements Serializable

Java class for parameter complex type.

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.

 <complexType name="parameter">
     <restriction base="{}anyType">
         <element name="context" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="required" type="{}boolean" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="default" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="label" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="description" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="options" type="{}optionsType" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="limitToOptions" type="{}boolean" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="filter" type="{}filterType" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="advanced" type="{}boolean" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="verify" type="{}boolean" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="multipleLimit" type="{}integer" minOccurs="0"/>
         <element name="unitLabel" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
       <attribute name="name" use="required" type="{}string" />
       <attribute name="type" use="required" type="{}parameterType" />
       <attribute name="groupName" type="{}string" />
       <attribute name="min" type="{}decimal" />
       <attribute name="max" type="{}decimal" />
       <attribute name="step" type="{}decimal" />
       <attribute name="pattern" type="{}string" />
       <attribute name="required" type="{}boolean" />
       <attribute name="readOnly" type="{}boolean" />
       <attribute name="multiple" type="{}boolean" />
       <attribute name="unit" type="{}unitType" />
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • context

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") protected String context
    • required

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") protected Boolean required
    • _default

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") protected String _default
    • label

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") protected String label
    • description

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") protected String description
    • options

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") protected List<XmlOption> options
    • limitToOptions

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") protected Boolean limitToOptions
    • filter

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") protected List<XmlCriteria> filter
    • advanced

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") protected Boolean advanced
    • verify

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") protected Boolean verify
    • multipleLimit

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") protected BigInteger multipleLimit
    • unitLabel

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") protected String unitLabel
    • name

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") protected String name
    • type

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") protected XmlParameterType type
    • groupName

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") protected String groupName
    • min

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") protected BigDecimal min
    • max

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") protected BigDecimal max
    • step

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") protected BigDecimal step
    • pattern

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") protected String pattern
    • requiredAttribute

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") protected Boolean requiredAttribute
    • readOnly

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") protected Boolean readOnly
    • multiple

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") protected Boolean multiple
    • unit

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") protected String unit
  • Constructor Details

    • XmlParameter

      public XmlParameter()
  • Method Details

    • getContext

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public String getContext()
      Gets the value of the context property.
      possible object is String
    • setContext

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public void setContext(String value)
      Sets the value of the context property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isRequired

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public Boolean isRequired()
      Gets the value of the required property.
      possible object is Boolean
    • setRequired

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public void setRequired(Boolean value)
      Sets the value of the required property.
      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • getDefault

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public String getDefault()
      Gets the value of the default property.
      possible object is String
    • setDefault

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public void setDefault(String value)
      Sets the value of the default property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • getLabel

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public String getLabel()
      Gets the value of the label property.
      possible object is String
    • setLabel

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public void setLabel(String value)
      Sets the value of the label property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • getDescription

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public String getDescription()
      Gets the value of the description property.
      possible object is String
    • setDescription

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public void setDescription(String value)
      Sets the value of the description property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isLimitToOptions

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public Boolean isLimitToOptions()
      Gets the value of the limitToOptions property.
      possible object is Boolean
    • setLimitToOptions

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public void setLimitToOptions(Boolean value)
      Sets the value of the limitToOptions property.
      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isAdvanced

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public Boolean isAdvanced()
      Gets the value of the advanced property.
      possible object is Boolean
    • setAdvanced

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public void setAdvanced(Boolean value)
      Sets the value of the advanced property.
      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isVerify

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public Boolean isVerify()
      Gets the value of the verify property.
      possible object is Boolean
    • setVerify

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public void setVerify(Boolean value)
      Sets the value of the verify property.
      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • getMultipleLimit

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public BigInteger getMultipleLimit()
      Gets the value of the multipleLimit property.
      possible object is BigInteger
    • setMultipleLimit

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public void setMultipleLimit(BigInteger value)
      Sets the value of the multipleLimit property.
      value - allowed object is BigInteger
    • getUnitLabel

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public String getUnitLabel()
      Gets the value of the unitLabel property.
      possible object is String
    • setUnitLabel

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public void setUnitLabel(String value)
      Sets the value of the unitLabel property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • getName

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public String getName()
      Gets the value of the name property.
      possible object is String
    • setName

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public void setName(String value)
      Sets the value of the name property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • getType

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public XmlParameterType getType()
      Gets the value of the type property.
      possible object is XmlParameterType
    • setType

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public void setType(XmlParameterType value)
      Sets the value of the type property.
      value - allowed object is XmlParameterType
    • getGroupName

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public String getGroupName()
      Gets the value of the groupName property.
      possible object is String
    • setGroupName

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public void setGroupName(String value)
      Sets the value of the groupName property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • getMin

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public BigDecimal getMin()
      Gets the value of the min property.
      possible object is BigDecimal
    • setMin

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public void setMin(BigDecimal value)
      Sets the value of the min property.
      value - allowed object is BigDecimal
    • getMax

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public BigDecimal getMax()
      Gets the value of the max property.
      possible object is BigDecimal
    • setMax

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public void setMax(BigDecimal value)
      Sets the value of the max property.
      value - allowed object is BigDecimal
    • getStep

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public BigDecimal getStep()
      Gets the value of the step property.
      possible object is BigDecimal
    • setStep

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public void setStep(BigDecimal value)
      Sets the value of the step property.
      value - allowed object is BigDecimal
    • getPattern

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public String getPattern()
      Gets the value of the pattern property.
      possible object is String
    • setPattern

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public void setPattern(String value)
      Sets the value of the pattern property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • isRequiredAttribute

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public Boolean isRequiredAttribute()
      Gets the value of the requiredAttribute property.
      possible object is Boolean
    • setRequiredAttribute

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public void setRequiredAttribute(Boolean value)
      Sets the value of the requiredAttribute property.
      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isReadOnly

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public Boolean isReadOnly()
      Gets the value of the readOnly property.
      possible object is Boolean
    • setReadOnly

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public void setReadOnly(Boolean value)
      Sets the value of the readOnly property.
      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • isMultiple

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public Boolean isMultiple()
      Gets the value of the multiple property.
      possible object is Boolean
    • setMultiple

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public void setMultiple(Boolean value)
      Sets the value of the multiple property.
      value - allowed object is Boolean
    • getUnit

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public String getUnit()
      Gets the value of the unit property.
      possible object is String
    • setUnit

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public void setUnit(String value)
      Sets the value of the unit property.
      value - allowed object is String
    • getOptions

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public List<XmlOption> getOptions()
    • setOptions

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public void setOptions(List<XmlOption> options)
    • getFilter

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public List<XmlCriteria> getFilter()
    • setFilter

      @Generated(value="", comments="JAXB RI v2.3.7", date="2025-02-10T04:01:07Z") public void setFilter(List<XmlCriteria> filter)