Class ResourceBundleClassLoader


@NonNullByDefault public class ResourceBundleClassLoader extends ClassLoader
The ResourceBundleClassLoader is a user defined classloader which is responsible to map files within an OSGi bundle to URLs. This implementation only supports the method getResource(String) for mappings.
Michael Grammling - Initial contribution, Martin Herbst - UTF-8 replaced by ISO-8859-1 to follow Java standards
  • Constructor Details

    • ResourceBundleClassLoader

      public ResourceBundleClassLoader(@Nullable org.osgi.framework.Bundle bundle, @Nullable String path, @Nullable String filePattern) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Creates a new instance of this class with the specified parameters.
      bundle - the bundle whose files should be mapped (must not be null)
      path - the path within the bundle which should be considered to be mapped. If null is set, all files within the bundle are considered.
      filePattern - the pattern for files to be considered within the specified path. If null is set, all files within the specified path are considered.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the bundle is null
  • Method Details