Package org.openhab.core.library.types
package org.openhab.core.library.types
ClassDescriptionThis interface is only a container for functions that require the core type library for its calculations.This does a logical 'and' operation.This calculates the numeric average over all item states of decimal type.This calculates the number of items in the group matching the regular expression passed in parameter Group:Number:COUNT(".") will count all items having a string state of one character Group:Number:COUNT("[5-9]") will count all items having a string state between 5 and 9 ...This calculates the maximum value of all item states of decimal type.This calculates the numeric median over all item states of decimal type.This calculates the minimum value of all item states of decimal type.This does a logical 'nand' operation.This does a logical 'nor' operation.This does a logical 'or' operation.This calculates the numeric sum over all item states of decimal type.This interface is a container for group functions that require
s for its calculations.This calculates the minimum value of all item states of DateType type.This calculates the maximum value of all item states of DateType type.The decimal type uses a BigDecimal internally and thus can be used for integers, longs and floating point numbers alike.The HSBType is a complex type with constituents for hue, saturation and brightness and can be used for color items.This type is used by thePlayerItem
.The PercentType extends theDecimalType
by putting constraints for its value on top (0-100).This type is used by thePlayerItem
.This type can be used for items that are dealing with GPS or location awareness functionality.QuantityType<T extends javax.measure.Quantity<T>>The measure type extends DecimalType to handle physical unit measurementThis interface is a container for dimension based functions that requireQuantityType
s for its calculations.This calculates the numeric average over all item states ofQuantityType
.This calculates the maximum value of all item states ofQuantityType
.This calculates the numeric median over all item states ofQuantityType
.This calculates the minimum value of all item states ofQuantityType
.This calculates the numeric sum over all item states ofQuantityType
.This type can be used for all binary data such as images, documents, sounds etc.This type is used by thePlayerItem
.This type can be used for items that are dealing with telephony functionality.