FOSDEM 2025 Recap
openHAB 4.3 Release
openHAB @ Linux Magazine
openHAB 4.2 Release
openHAB 4.1 Release
openHAB 4.0 Release
FOSDEM 2023 is over. It was a blast.
openHAB 3.4 Release
openHAB 3.3 Release
openHAB 3.2 Release
openHAB 3.1 Release
Our summer release openHAB 3.1 is out! It improves many details over 3.0 and again comes with a huge list of new add-ons.
openHAB 3.0 Release
The next major release has arrived with openHAB 3! This is exciting news for our community, as it makes openHAB more modern, simpler and yet more powerful.
openHAB 2.5 Release
A full year has passed since openHAB 2.4 and a lot has happened meanwhile. A new release is overdue and we are happy to announce the new 2.5 release to all of you today!
Smart Home Day @ Hochschule Darmstadt 2019
Already on May 25, the openHAB Foundation
hosted another Smart Home Day colocated with its yearly general assembly. The event took place at Hochschule Darmstadt and was packed with some interesting talks before the Foundations general assembly was held. Why should we – as the openHAB community – be present at events?
My call to action for our community: Keep in mind (at every occasion) that we have marketing goals. Let's turn interested people into amateurs and turn amateurs into community members. Let's grow the community!
openHAB 2.4 Release
As for the past few years, the openHAB maintainers have decided to do a new release just in time for the holiday season, which is the busiest time of the year in our community. So what could be more welcome than a brand new stable release?
MQTT Arrives in the Modern openHAB 2.x Architecture
openHAB 2.4 brings a few noticeable features, one of them is a new way of integrating your MQTT devices. What is MQTT actually? And how does the new implementation differ from what was already available?
Smart Home Day @ EclipseCon Europe 2018
Another year has passed and EclipseCon Europe 2018
took place in Ludwigsburg, Germany - and with it, our second edition of a colocated Smart Home Day . The Smart Home Day was hosted by the openHAB Foundation
with Bosch SI , codecentric and Deutsche Telekom as sponsors. Building the New openHAB Website
Let me start by saying a word about this new blog: this post is going to break away from announcements invariably made by Kai 😄 - in fact, it's not even about home automation at all... and that's fine! This space is also for you, the community, and is aimed at providing a new front-and-center communication tool besides
for anything openHAB-related which might be worthwhile or interesting to share. There is an easy-to-use editor to help guests write content even if they don't have a GitHub account or aren't familiar with Git; so if you want to contribute a post, just get in touch and we'll make it happen! I'm thrilled to kickstart this new influx of content by giving you an overview of this new website, how it's done (I'll try to keep it interesting if you're not into web development!) and how it came to be.
openHAB 2.3 Release
Time flies! The last openHAB release is already more than 5 months old and much has happened since then. It is therefore clearly time to pack and ship all the nice new updates as a stable release: Here comes
openHAB 2.3 !openHAB 2.2 Release
Half a year has passed since openHAB 2.1 and I am very happy that we still made it before Christmas, so that you have something nice to play with during the holiday season: openHAB 2.2 is out
! The most obvious change that you will immediately notice is the rollout of our new openHAB logo
, which you will now find in all our apps, UIs and websites. But the functional evolution is of course of much more importance, and a lot has happened in the past months.
While you can find all the details in the official Release Notes
, let me highlight a few of those features. Smart Home Day @ EclipseCon Europe 2017
Similar to every year since 2006, EclipseCon Europe 2017
took place at the end of October in Ludwigsburg, Germany, and it was packed with great talks and content all around the Eclipse universe. For the first time, there was also a Smart Home Day
colocated on the Sunday before EclipseCon started. The Smart Home Day was hosted by the openHAB Foundation with QIVICON by Deutsche Telekom as a sponsor. Smart Home Day 2017
On May 20, 2017, the openHAB Foundation organised its first own event, the Smart Home Day
in Darmstadt at the local University of Applied Sciences , which was co-located with the first annual assembly of the openHAB Foundation members. The Smart Home Day was a great get-together of around 50 smart home enthusiasts. For many it was the first time to meet people in person after having known their Github identities for years already and to engage in interesting discussions around open source and smart homes.
openHAB 2 has arrived!
Three years after initiating the Eclipse SmartHome project, I am proud to finally announce the general availability of openHAB 2.0, the first openHAB release that is based on Eclipse SmartHome
! This release replaces openHAB 1.8 as the officially recommended runtime, only the openHAB 1 compatible add-ons will be further maintained. They are now available in version 1.9.0
and can be used on existing openHAB 1.8 installations. We have reached far more than 200 add-ons in this package by now and most of them can also be used in conjunction with openHAB 2 (see below). The openHAB Foundation is Ready for Takeoff!
Since the inception of the idea to start a nonprofit organization around openHAB, some time has passed and we have been working intensively on making it happen!
Today, I am very proud to be able to announce that the openHAB Foundation e.V. is up and running and has successfully taken over all sorts of supportive operation for the community.
openHAB 2.0 beta3 Release
Some time has passed since the openHAB 2.0 beta2 release and a lot development efforts were done - so it was clearly time to release openHAB 2.0 beta3
. I see that many openHAB contributors and users are moving over from 1.x by looking at the activity in our forum and there has been very positive feedback regarding the stability.