# Teslascope Binding

This binding integrates Tesla Electrical Vehicles (opens new window). The integration happens through the Teslascope (opens new window) API.

# Supported Things

All Tesla vehicles supported by Teslascope are supported. Each vehicle is represented by its own vehicle Thing.

# Discovery

Auto-discovery is not currently supported.

# Thing Configuration

As a minimum, the apiKey and publicID are needed:

Thing Parameter Default Value Required Advanced Description
apiKey N/A Yes No apiKey provided by Teslascope
publicID N/A Yes No Vehicle Public ID listed in Teslascope
refreshInterval 60 No Yes The frequency with which to refresh information from Teslascope specified in seconds

# Channels

All vehicles support a huge number of channels - the following list shows the standard ones:

Channel ID Item Type Label Description
auto-conditioning Switch Auto Conditioning Turns on auto-conditioning (a/c or heating)
battery-level Number:Dimensionless Battery Level State of the battery in %
charging-state String Charging State “Starting”, “Complete”, “Charging”, “Disconnected”, “Stopped”, “NoPower”
charge-port Switch Charge Port Open the Charge Port (ON) or indicates the state of the Charge Port (ON/OFF if Open/Closed)
climate Switch Climate Climate status indicator
door-lock Switch Door Lock Lock or unlock the car
inside-temp Number:Temperature Inside Temperature Indicates the inside temperature of the vehicle
location Location Location The actual position of the vehicle
odometer Number:Length Odometer Odometer of the vehicle
speed Number:Speed Speed Vehicle speed
vin String VIN Vehicle Identification Number
vehicle-name String Name Vehicle Name
vehicle-state String Vehicle State Vehicle State

Additionally, these advanced channels are available (not all are available on all vehicle types, e.g., the sunroof):

Channel ID Item Type Label Description
battery-range Number:Length Battery Range Range of the battery
center-rear-seat-heater Switch Center Rear Seat Heater Indicates if the center rear seat heater is switched on
charge Switch Charge Start (ON) or stop (OFF) charging
charge-energy-added Number:Energy Charge Energy Added Energy added, in kWh, during the last charging session
charge-limit-soc-standard Dimmer Charge Limit SOC Standard Standard charging limit of the vehicle, in %
charge-rate Number:Speed Charge Rate Distance per hour charging rate
charger-power Number:Power Charger Power Power actually delivered by the charger
charger-voltage Number:ElectricPotential Charger Voltage Voltage (V) actually presented by the charger
driver-front-door Contact Driver Front Door Indicates if the front door at the driver's side is open
driver-rear-door Contact Driver Rear Door Indicates if the rear door at the driver's side is open
driver-temp Number:Temperature Driver Temperature Indicates the auto conditioning temperature set at the driver's side
estimated-battery-range Number:Length Estimated Battery Range Estimated battery range
fan Number Fan Indicates the speed (0-7) of the fan
flash-lights Switch Flash Lights Flash the lights of the car (when ON is received)
front-defroster Switch Front Defroster Indicates if the front defroster is enabled
front-trunk Switch Front Trunk Indicates if the front trunk is opened, or open the front trunk when ON is received
heading Number:Angle Heading Indicates the (compass) heading of the car, in 0-360 degrees
honk-horn Switch Honk the Horn Honk the horn of the vehicle, when ON is received
homelink Switch Homelink Nearby Indicates if the Home Link is nearby
left-temp-direction Number Left Temperature Direction Not documented / To be defined
location Location Location The actual position of the vehicle
left-seat-heater Switch Left Seat Heater Indicates if the left seat heater is switched on
left-rear-seat-heater Switch Left Rear Seat Heater Indicates if the left rear seat heater is switched on
left-rear-back-seat-heater Number Left Rear Backseat Heater Indicates the level (0, 1, 2, or 3) of the left rear backseat heater
min-available-temp Number:Temperature Minimum Temperature Indicates the minimal inside temperature of the vehicle
max-available-temp Number:Temperature Maximum Temperature Indicates the maximum inside temperature of the vehicle
outside-temp Number:Temperature Outside Temperature Indicates the outside temperature of the vehicle
passenger-temp Number Passenger Temperature Indicates the auto conditioning temperature set at the passenger's side
passenger-front-door Contact Passenger Front Door Indicates if the front door at the passenger's side is opened
passenger-rear-door Contact Passenger Rear Door Indicates if the rear door at the passenger's side is opened
power Number:Power Power Net kW flowing in (+) or out (-) of the battery
preconditioning Switch Preconditioning Indicates if preconditioning is activated
rear-defroster Switch Rear Defroster Indicates if the rear defroster is enabled
rear-trunk Switch Rear Trunk Indicates if the rear trunk is opened, or open/close the rear trunk when ON/OFF is received
right-seat-heater Switch Right Seat Heater Indicates if the right seat heater is switched on
right-rear-seat-heater Switch Right Rear Seat Heater Indicates if the right rear seat heater is switched on
right-rear-back-seat-heater Number Right Rear Backseat Heater Indicates the level (0, 1, 2, or 3) of the right rear backseat heater
right-temp-direction Number Right Temperature Direction Not documented / To be defined
scheduled-charging-pending Switch Scheduled Charging Pending Indicates if a scheduled charging session is still pending
scheduled-charging-start DateTime Scheduled Charging Start Indicates when the scheduled charging session will start, in yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss format
sentry-mode Switch Sentry Mode Activates or deactivates sentry mode
shift-state String Shift State Indicates the state of the transmission, “P”, “D”, “R”, or “N”
side-mirror-heaters Switch Side Mirror Heaters Indicates if the side mirror heaters are switched on
smart-preconditioning Switch Smart Preconditioning Indicates if smart preconditioning is switched on
software-update-available Switch Update Available Car software or map update available, automatically generated on non-empty "update status"
software-update-status String Update Status Car software or map update status, e.g. "downloading_wifi_wait", "installing"
software-update-version String Update Version Car software or map version to update to, e.g. "2023.32.9", "EU-2023.32-14783" for map updates, or empty
steering-wheel-heater Switch Steering Wheel Heater Turns On/Off the steering wheel heater
sunroof-state String Sunroof State Valid states are “unknown”, “open”, “closed”, “vent”, “comfort”. Accepts commands "close" and "vent".
sunroof Dimmer Sunroof Indicates the opening state of the sunroof (0% closed, 100% fully open)
time-to-full-charge Number Time To Full Charge Number of hours to fully charge the battery
tpms-pressure-fl Number:Pressure Tyre Pressure FL Tyre Pressure Front Left in Bar
tpms-pressure-fr Number:Pressure Tyre Pressure FR Tyre Pressure Front Right in Bar
tpms-pressure-rl Number:Pressure Tyre Pressure RL Tyre Pressure Rear Left in Bar
tpms-pressure-rr Number:Pressure Tyre Pressure RR Tyre Pressure Rear Right in Bar
tpms-soft-warning-fl Switch Tyre Pressure Soft Warning FL Tyre Pressure Soft Warning Front Left
tpms-soft-warning-fr Switch Tyre Pressure Soft Warning FR Tyre Pressure Soft Warning Front Right
tpms-soft-warning-rl Switch Tyre Pressure Soft Warning RL Tyre Pressure Soft Warning Rear Left
tpms-soft-warning-rr Switch Tyre Pressure Soft Warning RR Tyre Pressure Soft Warning Rear Right
usable-battery-level Number Usable Battery Level Indicates the % of battery that can be used for vehicle functions like driving
valet-mode Switch Valet Mode Enable or disable Valet Mode
wiper-blade-heater Switch Wiperblade Heater Indicates if the wiperblade heater is switched on

# Full Example

# demo.things:

teslascope:vehicle:model3 [ apiKey="xxxx", publicID="aXb3" ]

# example.items:

String              TeslaVehicleName            {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:vehicle-name"}
String              TeslaVehicleState           {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:vehicle-state"}
String              TeslaVIN                    {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:vin"}
Number              TeslaSpeed                  {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:speed"}
String              TeslaShiftState             {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:shift-state"}
Number              TeslaOdometer               {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:odometer"}
Number              TeslaRange                  {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:range"}

Number              TeslaBatteryLevel           {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:battery-level"}
Number              TeslaPower                  {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:power"}
Number              TeslaBatteryRange           {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:battery-range"}
Number              TeslaEstBatteryRange        {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:estimated-battery-range"}
Switch              TeslaPreconditioning        {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:preconditioning"}

Switch              TeslaCharge                 {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:charge"}

Dimmer              TeslaChargeLimit            {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:charge-limit"}
Number              TeslaChargeRate             {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:charge-rate"}
String              TeslaChargingState          {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:charging-state"}
Number              TeslaChargerPower           {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:charger-power"}
Number              TeslaTimeToFullCharge       {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:time-to-full-charge"}

Number              TeslaChargerVoltage         {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:charger-voltage"}
Number              TeslaChargerPower           {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:charger-power"}

DateTime            TeslaScheduledChargingStart {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:scheduled-charging-start"}

Switch              TeslaDoorLock               {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:door-lock"}
Switch              TeslaHorn                   {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:honk-horn"}
Switch              TeslaSentry                 {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:sentry-mode"}
Switch              TeslaLights                 {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:flash-lights"}
Switch              TeslaValet                  {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:valet-mode"}

Switch              TeslaFrontDefrost           {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:front-defroster"}
Switch              TeslaRearDefrost            {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:rear-defroster"}
Switch              TeslaLeftSeatHeater         {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:left-seat-heater"}
Switch              TeslaRightSeatHeater        {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:right-seat-heater"}

Switch              TeslaHomelink               {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:homelink"}
Location            TeslaLocation               {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:location"}
Number              TeslaHeading                {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:heading"}

Switch              TeslaAutoconditioning       {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:auto-conditioning"}
Number:Temperature  TeslaTemperature            {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:temperature"}
Number:Temperature  TeslaInsideTemperature      {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:inside-temp"}
Number:Temperature  TeslaOutsideTemperature     {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:outside-temp"}

Number:Pressure     TeslaTPMSPressureFL         {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:tpms-pressure-fl"}
Number:Pressure     TeslaTPMSPressureFR         {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:tpms-pressure-fr"}
Number:Pressure     TeslaTPMSPressureRL         {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:tpms-pressure-rl"}
Number:Pressure     TeslaTPMSPressureRR         {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:tpms-pressure-rr"}

Switch              TeslaTPMSSoftWarningFL      {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:tpms-soft-warning-fl"}
Switch              TeslaTPMSSoftWarningFR      {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:tpms-soft-warning-fr"}
Switch              TeslaTPMSSoftWarningRL      {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:tpms-soft-warning-rl"}
Switch              TeslaTPMSSoftWarningRR      {channel="teslascope:vehicle:model3:tpms-soft-warning-rr"}

# example.sitemap:

sitemap main label="Main"
    Text item=TeslaUsableBatteryLevel label="Car" icon="tesla" valuecolor=[<=20="red",>60="green"]
            Text item=TeslaState label="State [%s]" icon=""
            Text item=TeslaHomelink label="Homelink Available[%s]" icon=""
            Text item=TeslaSpeed label="Speed [%.1f]"
            Text item=TeslaShiftState label="Shift State [%s]" icon=""
            Text item=TeslaShiftState 
            Text item=TeslaOdometer label="Odometer [%.1f miles]"
            Text item=TeslaRange 
            Switch item=TeslaAutoconditioning label="Enable Heat or AC"
            Setpoint item=TeslaTemperature step=0.5 minValue=65 maxValue=78 label="Auto Conditioning Temperature [%.1f °F]"
            Text item=TeslaInsideTemperature label="Inside Temperature [%.1f °F]" valuecolor=[<=32="blue",>95="red"]
            Text item=TeslaOutsideTemperature label="Outside Temperature [%.1f °F]" valuecolor=[<=32="blue",>95="red"]
            Text item=TeslaBatteryLevel
            Text item=TeslaPower
            Text item=TeslaBatteryRange label="Battery Range [%.1f miles]"
            Text item=TeslaEstBatteryRange label="Battery Est Range [%.1f miles]"
            Switch item=TeslaCharge label="Charge"
            Slider item=TeslaChargeLimit label="Charge Limit [%.1f]"
            Text item=TeslaChargingState label="Charging State [%s]" icon=""
            Text item=TeslaTimeToFullCharge label="Time To Full Charge [%.1f hours]"
            Text item=TeslaPreconditioning label="Preconditioning [%s]" icon=""
            Text item=TeslaChargeRate label="Charge Rate [%d miles/hr]"
            Text item=TeslaScheduledChargingStart icon="time"
            Text item=TeslaChargerVoltage label="Charge Voltage [%.1f V]"
            Text item=TeslaChargerPower label="Charge Power [%.1f kW]"
            Switch item=TeslaDoorLock label="Doorlock"
            Switch item=TeslaHorn label="Horn" 
            Switch item=TeslaLights label="Lights"
            Switch item=TeslaValet label="Valet Mode"
            Switch item=TeslaSentry label="Sentry Mode"

            Switch item=TeslaFrontDefrost label="Defrost Front"     
            Switch item=TeslaRearDefrost label="Defrost Rear"                                               
            Switch item=TeslaLeftSeatHeater label="Seat Heat Left" 
            Switch item=TeslaRightSeatHeater label="Seat Heat Right" 
            Mapview item=TeslaLocation height=10