# WebexTeams Binding

The Webex Team binding allows to send messages to Webex Teams (opens new window) users and rooms through a number of actions.

Messages can use markdown syntax, and attachments are supported.

# Supported Things

  • account: A Webex Teams account

# Discovery

No Things are being discovered by this binding.

# Thing Configuration

Webex Teams supports two main types of app integration:

  • Bot: a separate identity that can be used to communicate with people and rooms.
  • Person integration: OAuth integration that allows the binding to act on behalf of a persons.

Both of these accounts must be first configured on the Webex Developers (opens new window) website. When creating a person integration, it's important you customize the redirect URL based on your openHAB installation. For example if you run your openHAB server on http://openhab:8080 you should add http://openhab:8080/connectwebex (opens new window) to the redirect URIs.

To use a bot account, only configure the token (Authentication token).

To use a person integration, configure clientId and clientSecret. When the account is configured as a Thing in OpenHab, navigate to the redirect URL (as described above) and authorize your account.

You shouldn't configure both an authentication token (used for bots) AND clientId/clientSecret (used for person integrations). In that case the binding will use the authentication token.

A default room id is required for use with the sendMessage action.

# account Thing Configuration

Name Type Description Default Required Advanced
token text (Bot) authentication token N/A no no
clientId text (Person) client id N/A no no
clientSecret text (Person) client secret N/A no no
refreshPeriod integer Refresh period for channels (seconds) 300 no no
roomId text ID of the default room N/A no no

# Channels

Thing channel type description
WebexTeams Account status String Account presence status: active, call, inactive, ...
WebexTeams Account lastactivity DateTime The date and time of the person's last activity within Webex

Note: status and lastactivity are only updated for person integrations

# Full Example


Configure a bot account:

Thing webexteams:account:bot [ token="XXXXXX", roomId="YYYYYY" ]

Configure a person integration account:

Thing webexteams:account:person [ clientId="XXXXXX", clientSecret="YYYYYY", roomId="ZZZZZZ" ]

# Rule Action

DSL rules use getActions to get a reference to the thing.

val botActions = getActions("webexteams", "webexteams:account:bot")

This binding includes these rule actions for sending messages:

  • var success = botActions.sendMessage(String markdown) - Send a message to the default room.
  • var success = botActions.sendMessage(String markdown, String attach) - Send a message to the default room, with attachment.
  • var success = botActions.sendRoomMessage(String roomId, String markdown) - Send a message to a specific room.
  • var success = botActions.sendRoomMessage(String roomId, String markdown, String attach) - Send a message to a specific room, with attachment.
  • var success = botActions.sendPersonMessage(String personEmail, String markdown) - Send a direct message to a person.
  • var success = botActions.sendPersonMessage(String personEmail, String markdown, String attach) - Send a direct message to a person, with attachment.

Sending messages for bot or person accounts works exactly the same. Attachments must be URLs. Sending local files is not supported at this moment.