Drayton Wiser Binding This binding integrates the Drayton Wiser Smart Heating System (opens new window) .
The integration happens through the HeatHub, which acts as an IP gateway to the ZigBee devices (thermostats and TRVs).
Supported Things The Drayton Wiser binding supports the following things:
Bridge Label Description heathub
HeatHub The network device in the controller that allows us to interact with the other devices in the system
Thing Label Description boiler-controller
Boiler Controller The HeatHub attached to the boiler. This also acts as the hub device room
Room Name Virtual groups of Room Thermostats and TRVs that can have temperatures and humidities roomstat
Thermostat Wireless thermostats which monitor temperature and humidity, and call for heat itrv
iTRV Wireless TRVs that monitor temperature, alter the radiator valve state and call for heat hotwater
Hot Water Virtual thing to manage hot water states smart-plug
Smart Plug Wireless plug sockets which can be remotely switched
Discovery The HeatHub can be discovered automatically via mDNS, however the secret
cannot be determined automatically.
Once the secret
has been configured, all other devices can be discovered by triggering device discovery again.
Thing Configuration HeatHub Configuration Once discovered, the HeatHub secret
needs to be configured.
There are a few ways to obtain this, assuming you have already configured the system using the Wiser App.
Temporarily install a packet sniffing tool on your mobile device. Every request made includes the secret
in the header. Enable setup mode on the HeatHub. Connect a machine temporarily to the WiserHeat_XXXXX
network and browse to
to obtain the secret
. The refresh
interval defines in seconds, how often the binding will poll the controller for updates.
The awaySetPoint
defines the temperature in degrees Celsius that will be sent to the heathub when away mode is activated.
Channels Readonly Channels Boiler Controller Channel Item Type Description heatingOverride
Switch State of the heating override button on the controller heatChannel1Demand
Number:Dimensionless Current demand level of heating channel 1 heatChannel1DemandState
Switch Is channel 1 calling the boiler for heat heatChannel2Demand
Number:Dimensionless Current demand level of heating channel 2 heatChannel2DemandState
Switch Is channel 2 calling the boiler for heat currentSignalRSSI
Number:Power Relative Signal Strength Indicator currentWiserSignalStrength
String Human readable signal strength currentSignalStrength
Number Signal strength value that maps to qualityofservice icon
Hot Water Channel Item Type Description hotWaterOverride
Switch State of the hot water override button on the controller hotWaterDemandState
Switch Is hot water calling the boiler for heat hotWaterBoosted
Switch Is hot water currently being boosted hotWaterBoostRemaining
Number:Time How long until the boost deactivates in minutes
Room Channel Item Type Description currentTemperature
Number:Temperature Currently reported temperature currentHumidity
Number:Dimensionless Currently reported humidity (if there is a room stat configured in this room currentDemand
Number:Dimensionless Current heat demand percentage of the room heatRequest
Switch Is the room actively requesting heat from the controller roomBoosted
Switch Is the room currently being boosted roomBoostRemaining
Number:Time How long until the boost deactivates in minutes windowState
Contact Is the window open or closed?
Room Stat Channel Item Type Description currentTemperature
Number:Temperature Currently reported temperature currentHumidity
Number:Dimensionless Currently reported humidity currentSetPoint
Number:Temperature Currently reported set point currentBatteryVoltage
Number:ElectricPotential Currently reported battery voltage currentWiserBatteryLevel
String Human readable battery level currentBatteryLevel
Number Battery level in percent currentSignalRSSI
Number:Power Relative Signal Strength Indicator currentSignalLQI
Number Link Quality Indicator currentWiserSignalStrength
String Human readable signal strength currentSignalStrength
Number Signal strength value that maps to qualityofservice icon zigbeeConnected
Switch Is the roomstat joined to network
Smart TRV Channel Item Type Description currentTemperature
Number:Temperature Currently reported temperature currentDemand
Number:Dimensionless Current heat demand percentage of the TRV currentSetPoint
Number:Temperature Currently reported set point currentBatteryVoltage
Number:ElectricPotential Currently reported battery voltage currentWiserBatteryLevel
String Human readable battery level currentBatteryLevel
Number Battery level in percent currentSignalRSSI
Number:Power Relative Signal Strength Indicator currentSignalLQI
Number Link Quality Indicator currentWiserSignalStrength
String Human readable signal strength currentSignalStrength
Number Signal strength value that maps to qualityofservice icon zigbeeConnected
Switch Is the TRV joined to network
Smart Plug Channel Item Type Description currentSignalRSSI
Number:Power Relative Signal Strength Indicator currentSignalLQI
Number Link Quality Indicator zigbeeConnected
Switch Is the TRV joined to network plugInstantaneousPower
Number:Power Current Power being drawn through the plug plugEnergyDelivered
Number:Energy Cumulative energy drawn through the plug
Command Channels Boiler Controller Channel Item Type Description awayModeState
Switch Has away mode been enabled ecoModeState
Switch Has eco mode been enabled comfortModeState
Switch Has comfort mode been enabled
Hot Water Channel Item Type Description manualModeState
Switch Has manual mode been enabled hotWaterSetPoint
Switch The current hot water setpoint (on or off) hotWaterBoostDuration
Number Period in hours to boost the hot water
Room Channel Item Type Description currentSetPoint
Number:Temperature The current set point temperature for the room manualModeState
Switch Has manual mode been enabled roomBoostDuration
Number Period in hours to boost the room temperature windowStateDetection
Switch Detect whether windows are open
Room Stat Channel Item Type Description deviceLocked
Switch Is the roomstat interface locked
Smart TRV Channel Item Type Description deviceLocked
Switch Are the TRV controls locked
Smart Plug Channel Item Type Description plugOutputState
Switch The current on/off state of the smart plug plugAwayAction
Switch Should the plug switch off when in away mode manualModeState
Switch Has manual mode been enabled deviceLocked
Switch Are the Smart Plug controls locked
Known Responses for Specific Channels Channel Known responses currentWiserSignalStrength
{ "VeryGood", "Good", "Medium", "Poor", "NoSignal" }
{ "Full", "Normal", "TwoThirds", "OneThird", "Low", "Critical" }
Full Example .things file The name
corresponds to the room name configured in the Wiser App.
It is not case sensitive.
The serialNumber
corresponds to the device serial number which can be found on a sticker inside the battery compartment of the Smart Valves/TRVs, and behind the wall mount of the Room Thermostats.
.items file Sitemap