# Intesis Binding

This binding connects to WiFi IntesisHome (opens new window) devices using their local REST Api and to IntesisBox (opens new window) devices using TCP connection.
# Supported Things
This binding only supports one thing type:
Thing | Thing Type | Description |
intesisHome | Thing | Represents a single IntesisHome WiFi device |
intesisBox | Thing | Represents a single IntesisBox WiFi device |
# Discovery
Intesis devices do not support auto discovery.
# Thing Configuration
The binding uses the following configuration parameters.
Parameter | Valid for ThingType | Description |
ipAddress | Both | IP-Address of the device |
password | IntesisHome | Password to login to the local webserver of IntesisHome device |
port | IntesisBox | TCP port to connect to IntesisBox device, defaults to 3310 |
pollingInterval | Both | Interval to retrieve updates from the connected devices |
# Channels
Channel ID | Item Type | Description | Possible Values |
power | Switch | Turns power on/off for your climate system. | ON,OFF |
mode | String | The heating/cooling mode. | AUTO,HEAT,DRY,FAN,COOL |
fanSpeed | String | Fan speed (if applicable) | AUTO,1-10 |
vanesUpDown | String | Control of up/down vanes (if applicable) | AUTO,1-9,SWING,SWIRL,WIDE |
vanesLeftRight | String | Control of left/right vanes (if applicable) | AUTO,1-9,SWING,SWIRL,WIDE |
targetTemperature | Number:Temperature | The currently set target temperature (if applicable) | range between 18°C and 30°C |
ambientTemperature | Number:Temperature | (Readonly) The ambient air temperature (if applicable) | |
outdoorTemperature | Number:Temperature | (Readonly) The outdoor air temperature (if applicable) | |
errorStatus | String | (Readonly) The error status of the device | OK,ERR |
errorCode | String | (Readonly) The error code if an error encountered | not documented |
wifiSignal | Number | (Readonly) WiFi signal strength | 4=excellent, 3=very good, 2=good, 1=acceptable, 0=low |
Note that individual A/C units may not support all channels, or all possible values for those channels.
The binding will add all supported channels and possible values on first thing initialization and list them as thing properties. If new channels or values might be supported after firmware upgrades, deleting the thing and re-adding is necessary. For example, not all A/C units have controllable vanes or fan speed may be limited to 1-4, instead of all of 1-9. The target temperature is also limited to a device specific range. For target temperature, sending an invalid value will cause it to choose the minimum/maximum allowable value as appropriate. The device will also round it to whatever step size it supports. For all other channels, invalid values are ignored. IntesisBox firmware 1.3.3 reports temperatures by full degrees only (e.g. 23.0) even if a half degree (e.g. 23.5) was set.
# Full Example
The binding can be fully setup from the UI but if you decide to use files here is a full example:
# Things
Thing intesis:intesisHome:acOffice "AC Unit Adapter" @ "AC" [ipAddress="", password="xxxxx"]
Thing intesis:intesisBox:acOffice "AC Unit Adapter" @ "AC" [ipAddress="", port=3310]
# Items
Switch ac "Power" { channel="intesis:intesisHome:acOffice:power" }
String acMode "Mode" { channel="intesis:intesisHome:acOffice:mode" }
String acFanSpeed "Fan Speed" <fan> { channel="intesis:intesisHome:acOffice:fanSpeed" }
String acVanesUpDown "Vanes Up/Ddown Position" { channel="intesis:intesisHome:acOffice:vanesUpDown" }
String acVanesLeftRight "Vanes Left/Right Position" { channel="intesis:intesisHome:acOffice:vanesLeftRight" }
Number:Temperature acSetPoint "Target Temperature" <heating> { channel="intesis:intesisHome:acOffice:targetTemperature" }
Number:Temperature acAmbientTemp "Ambient Temperature" <temperature> { channel="intesis:intesisHome:acOffice:ambientTemperature" }
Number:Temperature acOutdoorTemp "Outdoor Temperature" <temperature> { channel="intesis:intesisHome:acOffice:outdoorTemperature" }
String acErrorStatus "Errorstatus" { channel="intesis:intesisBox:acOffice:errorStatus" }
String acErrorCode "Errorcode" { channel="intesis:intesisBox:acOffice:errorCode" }
String acWifiSignal "Wifi Signal Quality" <qualityofservice> { channel="intesis:intesisBox:acOffice:wifiSignal" }
# Sitemap
sitemap intesishome label="My AC control" {
Frame label="Climate" {
Switch item=ac
Switch item=acMode icon="heating" mappings=[AUTO="Auto", HEAT="Heat", DRY="Dry", FAN="Fan", COOL="Cool"]
Switch item=acFanSpeed icon="qualityofservice" mappings=[AUTO="Auto", 1="Low", 2="Med", 3="MedHigh", 4="High"]
Switch item=acVanesUpDown icon="movecontrol" mappings=[AUTO="Stop", 1="1", 2="2", 3="3", 4="4", 5="5", SWING="Swing"]
Switch item=acVanesLeftRight icon="movecontrol" mappings=[AUTO="Stop", 1="1", 2="2", 3="3", 4="4", 5="5", SWING="Swing"]
Setpoint item=acSetPoint icon="temperature" minValue=16 maxValue=28 step=1
Text item=acAmbientTemp icon="temperature"
Text item=acOutdoorTemp icon="temperature"
Text item=acErrorStatus
Text item=acErrorCode
Text item=acWifiSignal icon="qualityofservice"