# Generac MobileLink Binding

This binding communicates with the Generac MobileLink API and reports on the status of Generac manufactured generators, including versions resold under the brands Eaton, Honeywell and Siemens.
# Supported Things
# MobileLink Account
A MobileLink account bridge thing represents a user's MobileLink account and is responsible for authentication and polling for updates.
ThingTypeUID: account
# Generator
A Generator thing represents an individual generator linked to an account bridge. Multiple generators are supported.
ThingTypeUID: generator
# Discovery
The MobileLink account bridge must be added manually. Once added, generator things will automatically be added to the inbox.
# Thing Configuration
# MobileLink Account
Parameter | Description |
username | The user name, typically an email address, used to login to the MobileLink service |
password | The password used to login to the MobileLink service |
refreshInterval | The frequency to poll for generator updates, minimum duration is 30 seconds |
# Channels
# Generator Channels
All channels are read-only.
Channel ID | Item Type | Description |
heroImageUrl | String | Hero Image URL |
statusLabel | String | Status Label |
statusText | String | Status Text |
activationDate | DateTime | Activation Date |
deviceSsid | String | Device SSID |
status | Number | Status |
isConnected | Switch | Is Connected |
isConnecting | Switch | Is Connecting |
showWarning | Switch | Show Warning |
hasMaintenanceAlert | Switch | Has Maintenance Alert |
lastSeen | DateTime | Last Seen |
connectionTime | DateTime | Connection Time |
runHours | Number:Time | Number of Hours Run |
batteryVoltage | Number:ElectricPotential | Battery Voltage |
hoursOfProtection | Number:Time | Number of Hours of Protection |
signalStrength | Number:Dimensionless | Signal Strength |
# Full Example
# Things
Bridge generacmobilelink:account:main "MobileLink Account" [ userName="[email protected]", password="secret",refreshInterval=60 ] {
Thing generator 123456 "MobileLink Generator" [ generatorId="123456" ]
# Items
String GeneratorHeroImageUrl "Hero Image URL [%s]" { channel="generacmobilelink:generator:main:123456:heroImageUrl" }
String GeneratorStatusLabel "Status Label [%s]" { channel="generacmobilelink:generator:main:123456:statusLabel" }
String GeneratorStatusText "Status Text [%s]" { channel="generacmobilelink:generator:main:123456:statusText" }
DateTime GeneratorActivationDate "Activation Date [%s]" { channel="generacmobilelink:generator:main:123456:activationDate" }
String GeneratorDeviceSsid "Device SSID [%s]" { channel="generacmobilelink:generator:main:123456:deviceSsid" }
Number GeneratorStatus "Status [%d]" { channel="generacmobilelink:generator:main:123456:status" }
Switch GeneratorIsConnected "Is Connected [%s]" { channel="generacmobilelink:generator:main:123456:isConnected" }
Switch GeneratorIsConnecting "Is Connecting [%s]" { channel="generacmobilelink:generator:main:123456:isConnecting" }
Switch GeneratorShowWarning "Show Warning [%s]" { channel="generacmobilelink:generator:main:123456:showWarning" }
Switch GeneratorHasMaintenanceAlert "Has Maintenance Alert [%s]" { channel="generacmobilelink:generator:main:123456:hasMaintenanceAlert" }
DateTime GeneratorLastSeen "Last Seen [%s]" { channel="generacmobilelink:generator:main:123456:lastSeen" }
DateTime GeneratorConnectionTime "Connection Time [%s]" { channel="generacmobilelink:generator:main:123456:connectionTime" }
Number:Time GeneratorRunHours "Number of Hours Run [%d]" { channel="generacmobilelink:generator:main:123456:runHours" }
Number:ElectricPotential GeneratorBatteryVoltage "Battery Voltage [%d]v" { channel="generacmobilelink:generator:main:123456:batteryVoltage" }
Number:Time GeneratorHoursOfProtection "Number of Hours of Protection [%d]" { channel="generacmobilelink:generator:main:123456:hoursOfProtection" }
Number:Dimensionless GeneratorSignalStrength "Signal Strength [%d]" { channel="generacmobilelink:generator:main:123456:signalStrength" }
# Sitemap
sitemap generacmobilelink label="Generac MobileLink"
Frame label="Generator Status" {
Text item=GeneratorStatus
Text item=GeneratorStatusLabel
Text item=GeneratorStatusText
Frame label="Generator Properties" {
Text item=GeneratorRunHours
Text item=GeneratorHoursOfProtection
Text item=GeneratorBatteryVoltage
Text item=GeneratorSignalStrength
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