# Minecraft Binding

This binding integrates Minecraft with openHAB through the spigot plugin (opens new window) (sources (opens new window)).
The binding allows reading of server and player data. It furthermore keeps track of redstone power going below signs and links them to Switch items.
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# Discovery
The Minecraft binding automatically finds all Minecraft servers running this plugin (opens new window) on the local network. Servers can be added manually if they are not found automatically.
Discovery uses zeroconf, which may not work if you host a Minecraft server in a virtual machine or container.
# Channels
Depending on the thing type, different channels are provided:
# Server
Channel Type ID | Item Type | Description |
name | String | Name of Minecraft server |
online | Switch | Online status |
bukkitVersion | String | The bukkit version running on server |
version | String | The Minecraft version running on server |
players | Number | The number of players on server |
maxPlayers | Number | The maximum number of players on server |
# Player
Channel Type ID | Item Type | Description |
playerName | String | The name of the player |
playerOnline | Switch | Is the player connected to the server |
playerLevel | Number | The current level of the player |
playerTotalExperience | Number | The total experience of the player |
playerExperiencePercentage | Number | The percentage of the experience bar filled for next level |
playerHealth | Number | The health of the player |
playerWalkSpeed | Number | The speed of the player |
playerLocation | Location | The player location |
playerGameMode | Number | The players game mode |
# Sign
Channel Type ID | Item Type | Description |
signActive | Switch | Does the sign have powered redstone below it |
# Active switch (Controllable from openHAB)
# Passive sensor
# Example Thing Definition
The easiest method to add Minecraft servers, players, and signs is use the automatic discovery. You can also manually define the objects using thing configuration files. Players and signs are connected through Minecraft server bridges (opens new window).
Bridge minecraft:server:myminecraftserver "Minecraft server for Friends" @ "Minecraft" [ hostname="", port=10692 ] {
Thing player my_name "My Minecraft User" @ "Minecraft" [ playerName="minecraft_username" ]
Thing player friends_name "My Friend's Minecraft User" @ "Minecraft" [ playerName="friends_username" ]
Thing sign sign_name "Example Sign" @ "Minecraft" [ signName="sensor" ]